AK Steel

Old AK Steel

UAW Local 3303 proudly represents the thousands of Union men and women – past and present – who, through their integrity, ingenuity, sacrifices and pride in their accomplishments have elevated Cleveland Cliffs' Steel (formerly AK Steel, & Armco) to a world-class, competitive specialty steel maker. Currently, there are 1164 active hourly Union members,1469 retirees and 562 surviving spouses. Reflecting back 20 years ago, there were 2200 active hourly members.
The average age of our active membership is 48 years of age. The average age of our retirees is 72 years of age.
The Local celebrated its 75th anniversary in 2008 – marking a major milestone in the history of this Union!
On December 1, 1933, the Armco Employee representatives joined together and chartered the Butler Armco Independent Union. Facing the challenges of those days, these dedicated Union leaders prevailed in negotiating the first collective bargaining agreement. In 2003, many contracts later, the membership voted to join the United Auto Workers’ International Union. Our Local is represented by UAW Region 9 (Buffalo, NY).
The Union office is located 112 Hollywood Drive, Butler. Eight full-time officers currently work in the Union office. These elected officers are joined by 60 District Committeemen, 3 Trustees, a Guide and a Sergeant-of-Arms who represent the members in every facet of their jobs (wages, benefits, working hours, grievances). Additionally, UAW Region 9 staffs an office in the Butler area. Jim Gallagher is the UAW Region 9 Staff representative. Other UAW Committees are staffed to meet the various needs of the membership (Education, Benefits, Veterans, Safety, Quality, Election, CAP – to name a few). These committees are comprised of dependable and energetic members who rise to the occasion to tackle the issues facing the membership and our neighbors. Visit the “Committees” link on this website to learn more about our committees.
Our Local works hand-in-hand with the Butler County United Way to provide community assistance through fund-raisers and community projects. Our members make payroll contributions and volunteer their own time to help neighbors in our communities who benefit from the United Way programs.
Our members also serve as firemen, Chaplains, Deacons, coaches, tutors, food bank volunteers, EMT’s and more – all reaching out to our communities and lending their services when called upon! This is inspiring and the true Union vision – helping our brothers and sisters. Working together we can make a difference!
Local 3303 will promote and build the Labor movement through this educational and informational website that will benefit all working families. Our website will provide up-to-date economical, political and educational information that our viewers can use to have a voice in their workplace and promote social justice in our communities.
UAW Local 3303 developed its website to educate and inform, not only our own Union membership, but the thousands upon thousands of working families around the world about Labor issues. Our website will help workers unite for better wages, affordable health care, a secure retirement and safer workplaces.
Please call our Local Union office at (724) 602-0199 with any questions or comments. Thank you for visiting our website.